Category: Homeowners

Moving-In 101: How To Move House With Pets in 4 Simple Steps

Moving into a new home is exciting as much as it is hard work. The packing and unpacking and finding a place for every piece of furniture. As stressful as it is for you, it is for your pets too. Many people struggle to get there pets to settle in easily after a move, with some dogs and cats just running away. In this post, we look at ways you can make the transition a little bit easier for your furry friends.

Image source: House Hunt

#1 Do everything you can to let them feel safe and assured

Moving causes a lot of anxiety for animals and humans alike. Try your best to make the move for your fur babies as simple as possible. If possible, have them stay with someone they know for the day of the move and once all your smells and furniture is in place, take them. If you can’t do this, stay close to them and observe their needs.

#2 Prepare a designated room with all their stuff for the day of the move

Take all their toys and blankies and maybe a sweater of your own and put it in a room where they will be for the duration of the unpacking and unloading. This will make them feel a little more at ease knowing all their things and their human’s scent is right there.

#3 Slowly introduce them to the new surroundings

Once everything is settled and you’ve unloaded and unpacked, take them for a walk around the yard and inside the house. Let them roam free and explore. Just be sure that there is no way that they will be able to get out and run away if they tend to be anxious by nature. Just remember, it may take some time for them to get used to it, but sooner or later they will.

#4 Add some extra loving and TLC

Depending on the temperament of your pet, a little extra attention and tummy scratches are sure to go a long way. Make them feel as much part of this new home as the one you just left. Besides, who doesn’t love some extra cuddles from their fluffy friend?

We hope we’ve added some helpful tips here to ensure your move goes smoothly and without any mishaps or runaway pets! As stressful as the process might be, it can also be a fun adventure for you and your pets.

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